4 Zodiac Signs Most Likely to Be Backstabbers

Some zodiac signs have a reputation for being secret, two face or even backstabbing when it is in line with their interests. Whether it is personal benefits, for revenge or just for their unexpected nature, these signs are more likely to cheat others. Although astrology is not a guarantee of anyone’s character, these four stars are often labeled as the biggest backstabbers.

Scorpio – The Silent Avenger

Scorpio is not easily cheated, but when they cheat, it is typically manipulative and wrecking. They are intense, private and able to hold the grocery for an extended period. If someone feels a scorpion betrayal, they simply don’t even find – they want to ensure you want to regret it. Unlike Gemini, which can backstab impulsively, fraud against the scorpion is cold and strategic. They can behave like your friend while they secretly plan against you, making them one of the most dangerous signs to cross them.

Gemini – The Two-Faced Trickster

Gemini is notorious for their double nature, which can make them unexpected and sometimes incredible. They are very social and easily adapted to different situations, but this ability can also make two face. Gemini can say one thing in your face and is completely different behind your back. They love gossip and drama, and sometimes backstabs of boredom or to keep things interesting. Although they do not always hurt, the lack of loyalty can make him an incredible friend.

Libra – The Charming Manipulator

Libra is known to be attractive and diplomatic, but this sign also has a scared side. They hate confrontation and will often play both sides to avoid taking responsibility. Although they are not always of evil, they can be manipulated and misleading when they benefit them. The wine can smile in your face while secretly siding with your enemy or spreading gossip to maintain your social status. Their fear of conflict is more likely to cheat them directly instead of you directly.

Pisces – The Sweet but Sneaky Betrayer

Pisces are often seen as kind and gentle, but consider them no less. Their ability to read emotions makes them excellent in manipulation when needed. They can backstab in such a way that they look like a victim and use their emotional intelligence, you look like a bad man to get sympathy. Pisces cannot cheat people often like Gemini or Scorpio, but when they do, it usually happens because they feel injustice and want to avoid mistakes.

Final Thought

Although betrayal is not exclusive to any zodiac sign, these four are more prone to backstabbing because of their adaptability, strategic thinking and sometimes selfish goals. It is always important to make justice for people on the basis of their actions, not just their astrological signs.


Which zodiac sign is most loyal?

The Taurus and Capricorn are famous for their strong loyalty and aversion to betrayal.

Are these zodiac signs always backstabbers?

No, not all these signs will cheat you. Astrology highlights the tendency, but the personal character means more.

Why are the Pisces on this list?

By using emotions to manipulate conditions when needed, the Pisces can be a passive-followed scared.

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